At, we make sure to provide you with the best experience possible. With our wide customer base, we have ensured the quality of our products. We, therefore, make the best efforts to keep our customers happy and satisfied with our products and services. However, there might be situations when you may find a need to return the products that you have ordered from our website. These can be circumstances that are beyond our control. In these situations, we have a proper return policy in place.

You can opt for cancellation only 24 hours before placing your return. We will issue an appropriate return of your paid amount, and a confirmation mail will also be sent.

A 24 hours deadline is given because we start with the processing of packing, packaging, and customizing as soon as you place your order.

If you cancel after 24 hours of return, our customer support will get in touch with you as the return amount will depend on the stage on which your shipment is.

We have the best logistics solutions in place, but there might be a delay in the complete execution of the return process due to unforeseen circumstances.